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INZWA: Company
& Product Resources

INZWA:  Overview Brochure

Learn who we are, and how our Cloud platform and user-friendly Veva III devices take the headaches out of your geotechnical monitoring.

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Overview Flyer

All your sensors, one platform.  Learn more.

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Product Specifications Sheet

All the deets, just one click away.

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Inzwa Veva III Specifications 3-page 1.15.24.png

Veva III Equivalency Statement

The Inzwa Veva III meets or exceeds the performance and feature capabilities of competitive vibration monitoring systems. Inzwa contracted with an independent laboratory to validate the Veva III's frequency response performance to the ISEE 2017 and DIN 45669-1:2010-09 standard. The laboratory determined the Veva III meets the ISEE amplitude response standard from 2 - 250Hz and the DIN amplitude response standard from 2 - 315Hz. A report has been prepared and approved by the Professional Engineer directing the test and is available for you to download here.

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Finally. Hassle-free automated summary reporting. 

No more cobbling reports together, chewing up time and productivity. Check out the sample automated summary report that the Cloud can generate for you in minutes - not hours, or days.

INZWA Cloud:  Summary Report

MEMS for Vibration Monitoring Research

MEMS technology is redefining modern technology. It's leading to improved performance and innovative applications across diverse industries including environmental monitoring.  Read how MEMS accelerometers are shown to be more effective than solenoid geophones at monitoring low- and high-frequency vibrations, and how a side-by-side comparison of MEMS accelerometer vs. geophone proved that "the use MEMS-based accelerometers in blasting seismographs has been proven to be perfectly feasible and it has been shown that such equipment can easily meet the requirements of the ISEE Standard.”

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White Paper:  MEMS Technology
in Vibration Monitoring

Gerald Verbeek, MsC., principal of Verbeek Management Services, has been an expert in vibration monitoring for nearly four decades. In this paper, he contends that the "common wisdom" that MEMS accelerometers should not be used for construction and traffic vibration monitoring is outdated and untrue with today's advanced technology and supports this position with use-case results.

INZWA Webinar:  Implementing Effective
Risk-reduction Vibration Monitoring Programs

Dr. Rune Storesund, D.Eng., P.E., G.E., S.NAFE, F.ASCE and Executive Director at the UC-Berkeley Center for Catastrophic Risk Management, discusses:

  • The mechanics of vibrations;

  • A summary of best practices literature related to vibration monitoring programs;

  • A listing of key considerations in configuring your site-specific vibration monitoring program;

  • A case study illustration of the INZWA Veva III monitors applied to an existing project, including what made the sensors ideally suited for the job.

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MEMS vs Geophones Research
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