Pipeline Restoration in Wheatridge, CO

The east phase of Denver’s multi-year, North System Renewal Project called for the installation of more than a mile of new, 60-inch pipeline straight through several residential neighborhoods of Wheatridge, CO. To mitigate risk and maintain positive community relations, general contractor Garney Construction turned to Kilduff Engineering to provide vibration monitoring for the length and duration of the project. 

And Kilduff Engineering turned to Inzwa and their Veva III vibration monitors.

Inzwa Veva III Vibration Monitors Mitigate Risk During Excavation

Plans required excavation of over 6,000 feet of existing residential roadway to install the pipeline, potentially affecting several hundred households. Four Inzwa Veva III devices were deployed to measure potential vibrational impact to residential structures closest to the point of excavation. As the project commenced, each device was relocated to stay abreast with the project’s progress, essentially “leapfrogging” their way forward through the neighborhood. Given their small size and fully integrated design, deployment couldn’t have been easier; Kilduff staff engineer Banks Irelan didn’t even need to affix the devices to the buildings. “It was really easy,” Irelan exclaimed, “I just put it down outside the house, turned it on, put a sandbag on it and let it run.” This made relocating each device to the next house in line as excavation commenced simple and easy, too. “It was pretty perfect,” Irelan said.

Irelan especially appreciated that the Veva III came fully integrated and activated with both the Inzwa Cloud and cellular service, requiring no additional components to be installed. The fully integrated battery also ensured that monitoring for the life of the project wouldn’t be an issue, either.


Keeping others informed with Inzwa Cloud’s automated reporting was a simple process as well.  Irelan was able to generate and customize weekly automated reports for the project stakeholders within minutes.  “Reporting parameters required that the addresses of each home being monitored be added to the weekly report,” Irelan explained.  “It took maybe 15-30 minutes to update on the Inzwa system, but the interface is really easy, so it’s all good.”​

Banks Irelan

Lead Engineer, Kilduff Engineering


Keeping others informed with Inzwa Cloud’s automated reporting was a simple process as well.  Irelan was able to generate and customize weekly automated reports for the project stakeholders within minutes.  “Reporting parameters required that the addresses of each home being monitored be added to the weekly report,” Irelan explained.  “It took maybe 15-30 minutes to update on the Inzwa system, but the interface is really easy, so it’s all good.”​