“Making Industrial Monitoring Simple, Smart and Safe” Webinar with Ackcio & Inzwa

In October 2022, Ackcio and Inzwa announced an integration between their flagship geotechnical monitoring solutions, giving users the power of Ackcio’s automated, wireless monitoring solution and the easy management and analytics of Inzwa’s Cloud centralized sensor management platform, all in real-time.

In two joint webinars on January 10 and 12, 2023, the two companies explained how to make industrial monitoring simple, smart and seamless throughout the entire geotechnical monitoring process, from configuration and data acquisition, to data visualization, analysis and management.

Q1: How many users can I have managing the device/sensor on the Inzwa Cloud?

A: Customers may have as many administrative or their own customer users as they wish. Inzwa Cloud uses a device licensing model instead of a user licensing model.

Q2: How long does it typically take to implement new sensors on the Inzwa Cloud?

A: Inzwa manages the process of integrating sensors and loggers into our platform to relieve the user from the burden of this process. This allows us to tightly integrate devices into all the features of the platform, freeing the user from the burden of configuring data maps, visualizations and reports. Implementation times vary depending on the type of sensor and the complexity of the visualizations. Generally speaking, simple sensors and sensors we have previously integrated from other manufacturers take a few days, whereas more complex instruments can take a few weeks.

Q3: If you need to do a calculation out of the raw data, where do you insert that? Does Inzwa allow that? Or does Ackcio allow those calculations to be configured into the sensor itself?

A: Engineering unit calculations are done by the Ackcio gateway and Inzwa Cloud stores those values. Further calculation on Inzwa Cloud is possible. Please reach out to us to discuss your specific situation.

Q4: Is it possible to have free limited access to INZWA cloud?

A: Inzwa offers a 60-day evaluation period using devices of your choice or with the Veva III – our vibration and tilt monitor.

Q5: Is there a limit to the number of ACKCIO Gateways that can send data to single INZWA project?

A: No. Inzwa Cloud can support any number of Ackcio Gateways.

Q6: How secure is the communication between the ackcio devices and inzwa cloud?

A: There are two levels of security in the setting: one is between Ackcio devices and Ackcio gateway, all the data that flows through are end-to-end encrypted, using AES-128, and once the data reaches the Gateway, it is sent in an authenticated way to Inzwa using token based api authentication. So basically all the way from Ackcio nodes to Inzwa Cloud is all encrypted and authenticated.

Q7: What happens when the system loses internet access?

A: On Ackcio Gateway, there is an algorithm to store all the data, so when the internet is restored, all the pending data is streamed real-time to Inzwa so you don’t lose any information despite the downtime which can be hours, days, or weeks. There is 13GB of onboard storage on Ackcio Gateways.

Q8: Ackcio – Are there any fail-safe mechanisms to prevent data loss from the devices?

A: There are quite a few fail-safe mechanisms that we have implemented on the devices. First, on the Ackcio Node itself, each data that communicated through wireless mesh is also stored on each of the devices, and you can always take your mobile phone and download all the data. We also implemented another feature that whenever a network is restored, let’s say obstruction goes away and mesh is formed back, we do sync all that saved information back to Gateway, you don’t have to go to each of the devices on the network, this makes the entire process more seamless. As well as every copy that has been sent to Inzwa Cloud, is also stored on the Gateway, so we have 13GB memory on the edge so every single project, every single data for that project, is stored on the Node, on the Gateway, and a copy in Inzwa Cloud, so there is sufficient redundancy.

Q9: Ackcio – What ways can the Gateway connect to the internet?

A: We provide all the standard mechanisms to connect to the internet – you can use a 4G sim card, you can connect over a LAN; another interesting functionality is if your site has wifi access, the Gateway can also connect to the internet via wifi. Also, all of these can co-exist, providing sufficient redundancy when it comes to internet connections.

For more information, please contact Ackcio or book a meeting with Inzwa.


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