P.A.T.H. Subway Expansion

P.A.T.H. Subway Expansion Vibration monitoring case study. Vibration Monitoring Critical While Tunneling in a Urban Environments Kilduff Underground Engineering, Inc., was hired to perform design, construction management and vibration monitoring for a new subway cross-passage tunneling project for the Port Authority Trans-Hudson (P.A.T.H.) in Jersey City, NJ. Vibration monitoring before and during tunnel excavation was […]

North System Renewal Project

North System Renewal Project Vibration monitoring case study Pipeline Restoration in Wheatridge, CO The east phase of Denver’s multi-year, North System Renewal Project called for the installation of more than a mile of new, 60-inch pipeline straight through several residential neighborhoods of Wheatridge, CO. To mitigate risk and maintain positive community relations, general contractor Garney […]

Pile Driving at Lake Michigan

Pile Driving at Lake Michigan Vibration monitoring case study Protecting Property & Peace of Mind with Inzwa Vibration Monitors When you live on the bluffs overlooking the shores of Lake Michigan, retaining walls can be serious business. And when your next-door neighbor’s ultra-modern house is made predominantly of glass, the concern about the potential for […]

Remote Sensor Management in Hong Kong

Remote Monitoring on Lantau Island, Hong Kong Construction monitoring case study Nicholas Cheng with Geotechnical & Concrete Engineering (GCE) knew this construction monitoring project would be a challenge. The project called for providing preliminary site data to inform the construction design of a major new highway planned for the northeastern side of Hong Kong’s Lantau […]

Remote Water Level Monitoring

Remote Water Level Monitoring During Sinkhole Repair Construction monitoring case study. Crumbling interceptor line causes massive sinkholes in Fraser, MI. What happens when a huge sewer line collapses on Christmas Eve, causing a sinkhole the size of a football field that destroys three homes, causes 22 more to be evacuated, and costs over $70MM to […]

Duchesne River Crossing

Duchesne River Crossing Vibration monitoring case study. The Challenge of Vibration Monitoring ​Tinney, Chief Engineer for Kilduff Underground Engineering of Salt Lake City, UT, was tasked with vibration monitoring at a remote construction site in Myton, UT. The installation of a new utility line running 874 feet under the Duchesne River involved shoring with driven […]

Dedham City Center

Dedham City Center Vibration monitoring case study Joe Francisco, project management and business development lead with Fenagh Engineering & Testing, likes to be in control. “We like to control what happens on our projects and be as hands-on as possible,” he explained. So when a long-standing client asked the firm to oversee vibration monitoring on […]

Tilt Monitoring in East Orange, NJ

Tilt Monitoring Case Study: Mitigating Risk During Excavation Inzwa’s Veva III supports excavation project through the tilt monitoring of existing structures. Inzwa’s Veva III supports excavation project through the tilt monitoring of existing structures. SJV Construction was retained by PEEK Properties, Inc., as the supportive excavation engineer for the construction of a new apartment complex […]

Columbus Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion

Columbus Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion Vibration and tilt monitoring case study A High-visibility Economic Development Project Required Vibration & Tilt Monitoring. In January 2022, Intel Corporation announced it was investing more than $20 billion in the construction of two new leading-edge micro-chip factories in Columbus, OH. As the largest single private-sector investment in Ohio […]