Engineering Peace of Mind in Construction Projects

Engineering Peace of Mind in Construction Projects

In the world of construction, balancing progress with community concerns is no small task. For engineers, the role often extends beyond technical expertise—it’s about being a bridge between construction crews, owners, and communities. Here’s how we approach vibration monitoring, noise control, and reassurance in the face of complex projects. Addressing Community Concerns: From Annoyance to […]

Tilt Monitoring in East Orange, NJ

Tilt Monitoring Case Study: Mitigating Risk During Excavation Inzwa’s Veva III supports excavation project through the tilt monitoring of existing structures. Inzwa’s Veva III supports excavation project through the tilt monitoring of existing structures. SJV Construction was retained by PEEK Properties, Inc., as the supportive excavation engineer for the construction of a new apartment complex […]

Columbus Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion

Columbus Waste Water Treatment Plant Expansion Vibration and tilt monitoring case study A High-visibility Economic Development Project Required Vibration & Tilt Monitoring. In January 2022, Intel Corporation announced it was investing more than $20 billion in the construction of two new leading-edge micro-chip factories in Columbus, OH. As the largest single private-sector investment in Ohio […]

The Vital Role of Construction Vibration Monitoring in Urban Development

Urban development is booming, and with it comes an inevitable wave of construction projects. While the rise of new structures promises progress and modernization, these projects bring a critical challenge: vibration. As heavy machinery pounds away at concrete and soil, the invisible force of vibration radiates outward, potentially affecting surrounding infrastructure and communities. This is […]

MEMS Accelerometers are the Future of Vibration Monitoring in the Explosives Industry

Solenoid geophones have been the industry’s default technology for construction vibration monitoring for decades. At frequencies within ISEE standards of 2Hz – 250Hz, solenoid geophones can give acceptable results. But below that? Studies have found that errors in PPV values for 10Hz geophones can range from -40% to +30%. Why is this important? Because the […]

Piezometers 101: An Essential Tool for Geotechnical Monitoring

In the realm of geotechnical engineering, understanding the behavior of soil and rock under various conditions is crucial for the safety and stability of structures. This is where piezometers, a specialized type of geotechnical sensor, play a pivotal role. Piezometers are designed to measure the pressure of fluids, particularly water, within the ground. This data […]

MEMS vs. Geophones Proven Effective for Construction Vibration Monitoring

The Prevalence of Traditional Geophones in Geotechnical Monitoring Solenoid geophones have been the industry’s default technology for construction vibration monitoring for decades, without significant consideration or innovation in alternative solutions. At frequencies within ISEE standards of 2Hz – 250Hz, solenoid geophones can give acceptable results. But below that? Studies have found that errors in PPV […]

Webinar: “How to Implement Effective Risk-Reduction Construction Vibration Monitoring Programs”

This blog post highlights the first segments of Dr. Storesund’s presentation covering the mechanics of vibration monitoring, key considerations to address when designing and implementing a ground vibration monitoring program, uncertainties often occurring as a result of ground vibration during construction and how to address them, and an overview of best practices when developing and […]

MEMS vs. Geophones: The Evolution of Construction Vibration Monitoring

Highlights Traditional Vibrational Monitoring Becoming Outdated Historically, geophone-based solutions have been the standard technology deployed for construction vibration monitoring. However, these traditional systems are typically heavy and cumbersome to install, requiring the addition of disparate components to fully configure and activate. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)-based alternatives are proving to be a game-changing evolution due to the […]